The 30 Day Compost Content Challenge

March 18th - April 16th 2024

Cultivate Your Habit of Writing and Publishing Online.

Do it for yourself. And do it for compost.

You love compost, and you want to raise awareness about it… but when it’s time to create content, you get stuck? You've thought about this a million times but never got started in the first place?

The 30-Day Compost Content Challenge is the answer! 👉

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Registration Tiers

Sprout Starter Plan

$30 entry fee

incl. Course & Templates

Growth Guild Plan

$300 entry fee

*limited to 30 seats*

Harvest Hands Plan

$1,500 entry fee

Ghostwritten for you

The Challenge

You commit to create 30 continuous days of content about compost.

Transform your empty newsfeed into a stage and put compost in the spotlight, it'll reflect back on you.

You are not alone.

We do this as a community. I’m challenging all my LinkedIn and Instagram followers to take part.

We’re heading into spring and it’s the perfect time to raise a huge wave of compost awareness.

Why a 30-Day Compost Challenge?

Actions speak louder than words.

We're Venturing Beyond Our Comfort Zone Together


We've got some cool compost bounties. Everyone who posts 30 days in a row will be entered into a raffle at the end of the challenge.

Main Prize

An annual subscription for the Self-managed Compost Toolshed

Take your digital marketing to the next level.

Value: $3,564


For hand screening compost and vermicastings with ease.

(Ships only in USA and Canda)

Make Compost Mainstream T-Shirts

Premium Organic T-Shirt

Make Compost Mainstream Hat

Classic Fit; representing Compost in style.

The Box Of Life

The beautiful vermicompost bin & planter combo.

Sustainably handcrafted in Canada

(Ships only in USA and Canada)

1lbs of Red Wigglers.

(Ships only in USA)

10lbs. of some of the best craft compost available for purchase. Made with love and care in California.

(Ships only in USA)

Do you want to add your bounty to the raffle?

Reach out to me we'd love to have more sponsors come on board. ([email protected])

My mission is to make compost mainstream and I woke up from a lucid dream when I realized:

I’ve got around 3,300 followers on LinkedIn

- 30% of that is 990 compost people.

If 990 folks participate in this challenge, then challenge one new person to participate at the end of each post, we’ll end up with 29,700 people.

I know that’s a bit of a stretch. I am a digital marketer and 30% conversion is about 10x what you should expect.

But I recently heard Jesse Itzler say:

"Unrealistic goals get unrealistic results.

And to make compost mainstream we have to set higher goals for ourselves."

Sidenote: Im 2023, wrote a grant for my US Composting Council's state chapter.

We received around $12k and I was ecstatic. Compared to $0, that was a lot of money.

Then, about 10 months later, I saw that another state chapter was awarded $940,000.

I was super happy for them and I swore to myself to aim higher next time.

When everyone invited to participate joins, we’ll create even more content around compost, for a total of 891,000 pieces of content. This time, I am aiming higher, for "unrealistic" results.

Hitting “Publish” Can Be Scary

There’s naturally some fear and anxiety that comes from posting daily:

Is my grammar OK? Does the text make sense? Why would people care what I say?

After doing this for a while, I can tell you: random strangers have contacted me out of the blue, saying they’ve been reading for a long time because they enjoy what I say and do.

Some just want to connect, have a chat and get my perspective. And I love each and every interaction. I have learned so much from the people that have reached out and opened up to me about their product / service / mission.

I think messages like these were partly why I started dreaming about this, so I asked Ashlea and Yannick if I could share their messages. 👇

I didn’t get comments like these within my first 30 days of posting. But how do you eat an elephant?

One bite at a time. 🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘

AND: My dream clients have reached out to me.

They came to me. It just happened.

If I was in the automotive industry, I could say that Mercedes, Tesla and Toyota all have knocked on my door because they took notice, kept watching and got intrigued.

That's what I want for you to happen, too. To be fair, it didn't happen within the first 30 days.

I got this message from another "Dream Client" today.

I can't share from whom, but I can copy this part:

I love the content and perspective you’ve been sharing on LI. Would you be open to a chat with me sometime?

Either way, a genuine thanks for all of the valuable content you share on this platform.

The Digital Course

Included in your registration is access to a digital course with instructional videos, templates, and best practices to help you complete the challenge.

I have condensed all my experience from writing daily on LinkedIn for over 2 years.

The videos lectures are short and to the point, so you'll get maximum results with minimal effort.

Includes lectures on:

  • My story - get inspired 

  • Why publishing regularly?

  • What is content recycling?

  • ChatGPT prompting 101

  • Find your audience

  • Engaging is part of the equation

  • Using photos and graphics with your text

  • Batching content or daily writing?

  • Leveraging scheduling tools

  • When should I post? Is there an ideal time?

What’s in it for You?

You’ll learn some new critical skills:

How to push yourself out of your comfort zone and allow yourself to grow by challenging yourself.

During the 30 days, you’ll likely get at least 30 new contacts.

This isn’t a promise - it’s just how social media works. How else are others going to take notice or decide if it's interesting for them to follow you?

Publishing regularly makes you visible to your audience, and people will start to associate you with what you talk about.

That’s what happened to me. I had seen other people talk about it - people with huge follower counts - and it was almost unbelievable to me.

You become a compost advocacy champion. People will reach out to you and say: I feel like I know you.

Other benefits:

  • Forming a new habit

  • Training your writing muscle

  • Overcoming your anxiety to hit publish

  • Creating a platform for yourself independently from your current employer or organization

Sprout Starter Plan - $30

$30 to enter. Like a running competition or race, this is your entry free. 

It’s really more of a monetary incentive not to quit.

I want people who are see the value in investing in themselves and compost. 

Here’s What You’ll Get by Signing Up

For just $30, you’ll get:

  • The motivation to commit and actually publish 30 times. 

  • To improve your writing skills. 

  • Access to the mini-course: 10 video writing lectures with Tim 

  • Google Docs with templates and writing cues

  • 30 hooks (the first sentence of a post) that you can use as inspiration for posts 

  • A list of 20+ composting related topics to inspire you

  • My best ChatGPT prompts, to make your workflow more efficient.

See, I am practically giving it away for free.

The 30 bucks are really just an intentional hurdle that I set to weed out the folks that aren’t committed.

I have followers from all around the world and $30 might be a lot to you.

Just send me a message and I’ll take care of that.

Money shouldn’t be the reason why you aren’t joining us! Check the FAQ on that.

If you objectively can afford $30 but are still on the fence, let me tell you this:

"Put in your credit card today and join us."

Happy or Your Money Back!

If you are convinced after actually posting for 30 days that it wasn’t worth your money, I’ll send you a refund. (Minus the stripe processing fees, full transparency.)

My goal is to create a wave for composting and to have lots of happy people after 30 days!

I am thinking of the “runners high” that people get after completing a marathon. 

That is the feeling I am aiming for.

You Mentioned ChatGPT Prompts: Isn’t that Cheating?

No, it’s not.

You’ll still need to edit and format your content. 

You’ll still need to hit “publish.”

If all the challenge does is train you to hit “publish” 30 times in a row, it’ll be worth it. 

How do I know?

Because I’ve hit “publish” 690 times since January 2022, just for my personal content.

Growth Guild Plan - $300

In the Growth Guild we are adding on community and support.

We are meeting for virtual group sessions, break-out rooms and for the joy of composting.

When you invest a little more and commit $300 you will also get access to:

  • Kick-off meeting

  • Halfway-through session to see how it's going

  • A creative writing session with cues for you to brainstorm ideas

  • Lessons learned meeting at the end

  • Ask Tim your questions directly

  • Get to know the other participants

  • Ask specific questions about the course work

  • Get feedback on your personal approach to creating content

  • Make friends

At this rate, you’re only paying $10 per piece of content - and that’s not including the templates and video course, which are easily worth $300 alone. 

But this isn’t about the money to me. 

I have to cap the number of seat at 30, so I'll actually be able to interact with all of you.

Most of the folks will be able to just run with the Sprout Starter Plan.

My goal is to get at least 29,700 pieces of content published.

With the potential to leverage this up to 891,000 pieces of content.

We’re going to come together and create a compost content frenzy.

Imagine how many views we could get with 891,000 pieces of content, all about compost!

Even if each post gets just 100 views, that’s a total of 89,100,000 views.

What about Cheat Days?

That's covered for you, too.

Included with all the materials you'll get access to, there are around 100 compost memes.

You can post them on a day were your brain feels fried, you didn't get to prepare something but are still committed to following through with the challenge.

We are community here, we take care of our folks.

Here is just a tiny preview 👇

Harvest Hands Plan - $1,500

If you don’t have time or aren’t interested in upgrading your writing skills, you’re not off the hook.

We’ve got something for you. 

You don’t have to write your own content. 

Lots of successful people publish every day - they just have a team to help with it. 

That’s the third option:

You invest $1,500 and get all your content written for you. 

Corporate ghostwriters for executives usually charge 3x or 4x that.

All you need to do is schedule the posts. (To train your publishing muscle)

Imagine the value: $50 per post, ready to publish.

The Content Team at Compost Marketing Agency is going to carefully craft each of your posts, considering your position, voice and perspective.

If you invest in this, you’ll also likely gain over 30 new connections and start to build your reputation as a thought leader in your industry.

And you can say you were part of the first ever Compost Content Challenge.

We don't offer refunds for this plan, because we do actually have to do all the work.

There is the option to get revisions in case the first drafts don't resonate with you.

We are calibrating the tone with the first 5 outputs, hand them over for your review and adjust accordingly, if needed.

We will also be donating 10% of the proceeds of this plan to the Cary Oshins Training Scholarship. More about that in the FAQ.

Event Registration

Sprout Starter

Live registration count: 32

  • Access to the video lectures

  • Access to templates

  • Memes for cheat days

  • Access to ChatGPT prompts

  • 30 hook templates/lines

  • Over 30 topics for your inspiration

  • Entry to the raffle

  • Certification for participating


Harvest Hands

Live registration count: 0

  • Everything from Sprout Starter

  • 30 written pieces of content, ready to post

  • Work with our Content Team

  • Two revisions included


Growth Guild

Seats left: 27

  • Last entry: March 5th

  • Everything from Sprout Starter

  • Limited to 30 seats - first come first served.

  • Different virtual group meetings

  • Q&A Session

  • Creative writing session

  • Halfway point meeting

  • Wrap-up/lessons learned meeting



This timeline is for all those that join the challenge before it's first starting date.

Access to the digital course, templates and other materials: Monday, March 11th.

Virtual Kick-Off Session: Friday, March 15th.

First post: Monday, March 18th.

Last day: Tuesday, April 16th.


Do I have to challenge someone every day?

Yes, that's part of the fun. With each person you challenge our compost content wave grows bigger.

I suggest that you finish your post with a brief sentence like: "I am taking part in the 30 Day Compost Challenge and am committed to posting 30 days about composting in a row. Today I am inviting my friend Miss Mircrobe, to join me."

You can also use our #30DayCompostContentChallenge

People that get challenged by the participants don't have to register, purchase the course. That's completely up to them.

You can make them aware, that there is a course they can get and talk about our group sessions.

However, we don't need them to sign up, if they don't want to. The main aspect is really that you can also inspire people to start publishing content around composting.

Where am I directing the people that I have challenged?

There will be a registration page similar to this one right here, just made for those that join in while the first wave is swelling.
Since most social networks penalize posts with links (so annoying ..) we recommend that you use a call to action like:

- The link is in my profile (Just don't forget to add the link 😉)

- The link is in the comment section

- I'll send you a DM with the registration link

How long do I have access to the video course?

The course doesn't have an expiration date and you can come back to it later

How do I access the course materials?

Each document is provided as a google doc that you can make a copy from to your own account.

Do I have to write about composting or can I write about my own topic?

That's up to you. I am rallying folks around composting and my goals is to inspire you to write and publish. If you would rather like to talk about biochar, soil health or another topic that is related, that's fine.

What is your refund policy?

If you have completed the challenge and didn't find real value in it, you can request a refund by responding to your confirmation email. We will issue a full refund for either the Sprout Starter or Growth Guild package.

If you drop out, I cannot offer a refund. Your investment is also intended to be your commitment to the challenge, encouraging you to persevere and stay committed.

There are no refunds for those who have their content prepared by my team. If you are dissatisfied with the content we write for you, you are welcome to request a revision. This offer includes a maximum of two rounds of revisions and edits.

What happens if I can't go on?

That's okay, things can happen and it's fine to drop out or take a break. We encourage you to first take a break before you completely abandon the challenge. Taking a break isn't failure. We are all humans and sometimes more important things happen in life.

I was invited to join the 30 Day Compost Challenge, why should I join?

Do it for you:

Train your writing muscles, overcome the anxiety of hitting publish and sharpen your profile. Develop new professional relationships by being visible online. Your newsfeed is a stage - play it.

Do it for compost:

We are a community of passionate folks that understand the importance of raising awareness around composting. If we aren't going to do it, who else is? Compost can do a lot of things, but writing ain't of them.

Can I cheat for 30 days?

Well, that's up to you! If you just want to train your publishing muscle, be my guest.

There are around 100 memes to pick from, so you could actually keep cheating for three months 😂

However, do consider writing posts yourself. I guess even a meme deserves a quick caption.

What is the Cary Oshins Training Scholarship?

Cary Oshins is a veteran USCC instructor. He retired last year and the US Composting Council created this fund so people could apply for a scholarship with USCC Compost Operator Training. 

The Cary Oshins Training Scholarship offers financial assistance for individuals wanting to attend the Compost Operations Training Course (COTC), a world-renowned, comprehensive training on compost operations.

This scholarship aims to lower financial barriers for participants, especially those from start-up companies and underserved backgrounds, by covering 50% of the registration fee.

For more details, please visit the Cary Oshins Training Scholarship page:

I can't afford the $30 entry fee but am 100% committed to improving my writing skills and raise compost awareness

I am convinced that there is a lot of value in taking the challenge. Me and my team put in a lot of work to and I want people to be invested, that's why initially decided not to offer the challenge for free.

However, my mission is to make compost mainstream first, so if this is a financial barrier that is too high for you - we've got you. Please fill out this FORM and we will waive your entry fee.